Cute, deadly, to down right serious! Scaled for the perfect fit to your tabletop needs!
WARHAMSTER 40.000: The Rodent Emperor has powerful servants at his service...
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
NECROHAMSTER: a hamster who has entered the black branch of wizardry.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
VIKING HAMSTER: an adorable hamster who becomes a terrible killer under the effects of mead. His deeds will be sung in the Halls of Hamhalla!
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
PILOT HAMSTER: more dangerous than a rodent, it is a rodent at the controls of an aircraft.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
BISHOP HAMSTER: equipped with the Holy Grenade...ready to purge infidels!
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
SOVIET HAMSTER: the derpy comrade who will protect the children of the Motherland (and hamsters have many children...)
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
JEDI HAMSTER: may the fourth...and the with him!
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
TROGLODYTE HAMSTER: a vestige of the hamster ancestors, which retains its original brutality.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis
SAMURAI HAMSTER: there is only one path...the hamster bushido path. Hamshido!
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
SAMURAI HAMSTER SEPPUKU VERSION: the strict path of bushido (and the lack of psychologists in the public health system) sometimes ends dramatically...
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
KNIGHT HAMSTER: his deeds will be the hamster bards.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
BARBARIAN HAMSTER: may not be the smartest... but who needs to be having that knife!
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
NINJA HAMSTER: capable of murdering you in the middle of a meditation session.
This model is scaled for the tabletop in 32mm scale. Perfect for your tabletop adventures!
Notice: It comes unassembled and unpainted.
WARNING: Items are not intended for children. These items are used for tabletop miniature wargaming.
The base is included, but will need to be attached to your minis.
Anthropomorphic Adventurers!
The Shepherd from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Brawler from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Talon Guard from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Tide Seer from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Swindler from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
Tide Skipper, Shroomite, Roly Poly, and The Bumble Buddy Familiars from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Gladiator from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Charlatan from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Whimsy Mage from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
Add a description about this item The Buccaneer from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Tracker from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
The Entertainer from Curious Critters of Whimsy Isle.
This model does NOT come with a base.
Miniatures will be 3D printed in resin at the highest quality settings. We typically use a flat grey color resin for printing, but may use different colors depending on resin availability. The resin models are carefully washed and then cured with a Wash & Cure Station. Any supports needed for printing will be removed. These supports leave little marks on the figure. We will do our best to remove them as good as we can, however they can be visible from time to time.
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